A Break in the Clouds
There is a ray of sunshine beaming from the mortgage market storm
Reaching New Heights With the Cloud
Mortgage companies are embracing these services for scalability, security and innovation
Automate Your Compliance Tasks
Machine learning creates advantages in the stringent HMDA regulatory landscape
Start Fast to Finish Strong in This Challenging Year
Prioritize quantity over quality when working with referral partners in today’s market
Good for the Gander
Account executives should rely on CRM technology as much as brokers
A 40-Year Mortgage Poses an Unwelcome Risk
Pressure might build to offer an extended term to borrowers dealing with high interest rates
Solve the Identity Puzzle
Consumer data can reveal who the homebuyer is and when they will make a purchase
These Borrowers Face More Than a Language Barrier
Build trust and connections in limited English-speaking communities
Power Through a Tough Economic Climate
Plan today to ensure that your mortgage business succeeds tomorrow
Branch Out
With residential lending in the doldrums, look to commercial deals to grow your business